Spatial Data Science (GEO511)

Getting Started

Today’s agenda

  1. Q&A
  2. Example Resource Presentation
  3. Case Study Presentations
  4. Case Study Introduction


  • Syllabus?
  • Installing R and RStudio?
  • Assignments?
  • DataCamp?
  • Other Problems?

Getting ahead

  • Datacamp - Go as far as you want!
  • Case studies & tasks - Stay on schedule (sometimes I change them!)

Course Schedule



Recommended Deadlines

Resource Presentations


Case Study Presentations

Case Study Motivations

  1. Best way to learn something is to (prepare to) teach it
  2. Develop confidence presenting your method/solution/approach
  3. Learn tools for transparent collaboration

Do’s and Don’ts

  1. Don’t be scared - this is a supportive environment.
  2. Do share stories about how you figured it out:
    • other things you tried
    • things that didn’t work
  3. Do mention your group mates and any contributions they made (if they did)

Resource Presentations


Case Study Presentations - Let’s pick a winner!

show spreadsheet

Writing Code

You are doing two things at the same time:

  1. accomplishing some task now
  2. collaborating with your future self (or someone else)


  1. Include lots of comments to understand and repeat what you did
  2. Remember to clean up your code when you’ve finished!
  3. Consider the style guide…

Style Guide


Next Week’s Case Study
