Project Proposal Template

Ideel Stoodent

Download this file as a template.

Introduction to problem/question

Problem / Question

Clearly describe the problem/question you would like to address in a single sentence.

Inspiring Examples

Include links and screenshots (or embedded images) of a few (~3-5) example graphics found on the internet that convey what you want to do. Include a few sentences about why you selected each link.

Example 1

I found this graphic easy to understand yet rich with detail. The graphic summarizes political shifts across the nation from Democratic (left) to Republican (right) with simple arrows. This type of graphic could be used to illustrate many different kinds of changes (or movement) using simple geom_segment() in ggplot.

Example 2

Example 3

Proposed data sources

Be as specific as possible.

Proposed methods

List the approach you will use. Don’t simply list packages, tell me what you will do with them.

Expected results

Describe what you want to produce (graphics, analyses, etc.)