
  • Extract a timeseries from a single location in a netcdf file (part 1)
  • Calculate a monthly climatology from a weekely timeseries (part 2)
  • Summarize Land Surface Temperature by Land Cover (part 3)

The R Script associated with this page is available here. If you like, you can download this file and open it (or copy-paste into a new script) with RStudio so you can follow along.



# New Packages
library(ncdf4) # to import data from netcdf format

Case Study Set up

Identify (and create) download folders

Today we’ll work with:

  • Land Surface Temperature (lst): MOD11A2
  • Land Cover (lc): MCD12Q1

Land Use Land Cover

# Create afolder to hold the downloaded data
dir.create("data",showWarnings = F) #create a folder to hold the data


# download them
download.file(lulc_url,destfile="data/MCD12Q1.051_aid0001.nc", mode="wb")
download.file(lst_url,destfile="data/MOD11A2.006_aid0001.nc", mode="wb")

You should also edit your .gitignore file (in your tasks repository folder) to include *data* on one line. This will prevent git from adding these files.

Load data into R


You will probably see some errors about

>>>> WARNING <<<  attribute longitude_of_projection_origin is an 8-byte value, but R"
[1] "does not support this data type. I am returning a double precision"
[1] "floating point, but you must be aware that this could lose precision!"

You can safely ignore this.

Explore LULC data


We’ll just pick one year to work with to keep this simple:


Process landcover data

Assign land cover clases from MODIS website

  Land_Cover_Type_1 = c(
    Water = 0, 
    `Evergreen Needleleaf forest` = 1, 
    `Evergreen Broadleaf forest` = 2,
    `Deciduous Needleleaf forest` = 3, 
    `Deciduous Broadleaf forest` = 4,
    `Mixed forest` = 5, 
    `Closed shrublands` = 6,
    `Open shrublands` = 7,
    `Woody savannas` = 8, 
    Savannas = 9,
    Grasslands = 10,
    `Permanent wetlands` = 11, 
    Croplands = 12,
    `Urban & built-up` = 13,
    `Cropland/Natural vegetation mosaic` = 14, 
    `Snow & ice` = 15,
    `Barren/Sparsely vegetated` = 16, 
    Unclassified = 254,
    NoDataFill = 255)

  col=c("#000080","#008000","#00FF00", "#99CC00","#99FF99", "#339966", "#993366", "#FFCC99", "#CCFFCC", "#FFCC00", "#FF9900", "#006699", "#FFFF00", "#FF0000", "#999966", "#FFFFFF", "#808080", "#000000", "#000000"),
  stringsAsFactors = F)
# colors from https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/about/news_archive/modisterra_land_cover_types_yearly_l3_global_005deg_cmg_mod12c1
ID landcover col
Water 0 Water #000080
Evergreen Needleleaf forest 1 Evergreen Needleleaf forest #008000
Evergreen Broadleaf forest 2 Evergreen Broadleaf forest #00FF00
Deciduous Needleleaf forest 3 Deciduous Needleleaf forest #99CC00
Deciduous Broadleaf forest 4 Deciduous Broadleaf forest #99FF99
Mixed forest 5 Mixed forest #339966

Convert LULC raster into a ‘factor’ (categorical) raster. This requires building the Raster Attribute Table (RAT). Unfortunately, this is a bit of manual process as follows.

# convert to raster (easy)

# update the RAT with a left join
## Joining with `by = join_by(ID)`
# plot it
                    name="Landcover Type")+
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")+

Land Surface Temperature


Convert LST to Degrees C

You can convert LST from Degrees Kelvin (K) to Celcius (C) with offs().


MODLAND Quality control

See a detailed explaination here. Some code below from Steven Mosher’s blog.

Expand this to learn more about MODIS quality control. This is optional for this class, but important if you want to work with this kind of data ‘for real’.

MOD11A2 (Land Surface Temperature) Quality Control

MOD11A2 QC Layer table


LST QC data

QC data are encoded in 8-bit ‘words’ to compress information.

## .
##    2   17   33   65   81   97  145 
## 1569    8    5  675  335    4   90
##  [1] 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
## [26] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
## [1] 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 00
## [1] 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

MODIS QC data are Big Endian

Format Digits value sum
Little Endian 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 65 2^0 + 2^6
Big Endian 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 65 2^6 + 2^0

Reverse the digits with rev() and compare with QC table above.

## [1] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

QC for value 65:

  • LST produced, other quality, recommend examination of more detailed QA
  • good data quality of L1B in 7 TIR bands
  • average emissivity error <= 0.01
  • Average LST error <= 2K

Filter the the lst data using the QC data

## set up data frame to hold all combinations
QC_Data <- data.frame(Integer_Value = 0:255,
Bit7 = NA, Bit6 = NA, Bit5 = NA, Bit4 = NA,
Bit3 = NA, Bit2 = NA, Bit1 = NA, Bit0 = NA,
QA_word1 = NA, QA_word2 = NA, QA_word3 = NA,
QA_word4 = NA)

for(i in QC_Data$Integer_Value){
AsInt <- as.integer(intToBits(i)[1:8])
QC_Data[i+1,2:9]<- AsInt[8:1]

QC_Data$QA_word1[QC_Data$Bit1 == 0 & QC_Data$Bit0==0] <- "LST GOOD"
QC_Data$QA_word1[QC_Data$Bit1 == 0 & QC_Data$Bit0==1] <- "LST Produced,Other Quality"
QC_Data$QA_word1[QC_Data$Bit1 == 1 & QC_Data$Bit0==0] <- "No Pixel,clouds"
QC_Data$QA_word1[QC_Data$Bit1 == 1 & QC_Data$Bit0==1] <- "No Pixel, Other QA"

QC_Data$QA_word2[QC_Data$Bit3 == 0 & QC_Data$Bit2==0] <- "Good Data"
QC_Data$QA_word2[QC_Data$Bit3 == 0 & QC_Data$Bit2==1] <- "Other Quality"
QC_Data$QA_word2[QC_Data$Bit3 == 1 & QC_Data$Bit2==0] <- "TBD"
QC_Data$QA_word2[QC_Data$Bit3 == 1 & QC_Data$Bit2==1] <- "TBD"

QC_Data$QA_word3[QC_Data$Bit5 == 0 & QC_Data$Bit4==0] <- "Emiss Error <= .01"
QC_Data$QA_word3[QC_Data$Bit5 == 0 & QC_Data$Bit4==1] <- "Emiss Err >.01 <=.02"
QC_Data$QA_word3[QC_Data$Bit5 == 1 & QC_Data$Bit4==0] <- "Emiss Err >.02 <=.04"
QC_Data$QA_word3[QC_Data$Bit5 == 1 & QC_Data$Bit4==1] <- "Emiss Err > .04"

QC_Data$QA_word4[QC_Data$Bit7 == 0 & QC_Data$Bit6==0] <- "LST Err <= 1"
QC_Data$QA_word4[QC_Data$Bit7 == 0 & QC_Data$Bit6==1] <- "LST Err > 2 LST Err <= 3"
QC_Data$QA_word4[QC_Data$Bit7 == 1 & QC_Data$Bit6==0] <- "LST Err > 1 LST Err <= 2"
QC_Data$QA_word4[QC_Data$Bit7 == 1 & QC_Data$Bit6==1] <- "LST Err > 4"
Integer_Value Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 QA_word1 QA_word2 QA_word3 QA_word4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LST GOOD Good Data Emiss Error <= .01 LST Err <= 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 LST Produced,Other Quality Good Data Emiss Error <= .01 LST Err <= 1
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 No Pixel,clouds Good Data Emiss Error <= .01 LST Err <= 1
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 No Pixel, Other QA Good Data Emiss Error <= .01 LST Err <= 1
4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 LST GOOD Other Quality Emiss Error <= .01 LST Err <= 1
5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 LST Produced,Other Quality Other Quality Emiss Error <= .01 LST Err <= 1

Select which QC Levels to keep

keep=QC_Data[QC_Data$Bit1 == 0,]
##   [1]   0   1   4   5   8   9  12  13  16  17  20  21  24  25  28  29  32  33
##  [19]  36  37  40  41  44  45  48  49  52  53  56  57  60  61  64  65  68  69
##  [37]  72  73  76  77  80  81  84  85  88  89  92  93  96  97 100 101 104 105
##  [55] 108 109 112 113 116 117 120 121 124 125 128 129 132 133 136 137 140 141
##  [73] 144 145 148 149 152 153 156 157 160 161 164 165 168 169 172 173 176 177
##  [91] 180 181 184 185 188 189 192 193 196 197 200 201 204 205 208 209 212 213
## [109] 216 217 220 221 224 225 228 229 232 233 236 237 240 241 244 245 248 249
## [127] 252 253

How many observations will be dropped?

qcvals=table(values(lstqc))  # this takes a minute or two

## Joining with `by = join_by(Var1)`
Integer_Value QA_word1 QA_word2 QA_word3 QA_word4 Var1 keep Freq
2 No Pixel,clouds Good Data Emiss Error <= .01 LST Err <= 1 2 FALSE 150019
17 LST Produced,Other Quality Good Data Emiss Err >.01 <=.02 LST Err <= 1 17 TRUE 44552
33 LST Produced,Other Quality Good Data Emiss Err >.02 <=.04 LST Err <= 1 33 TRUE 20225
49 LST Produced,Other Quality Good Data Emiss Err > .04 LST Err <= 1 49 TRUE 3
65 LST Produced,Other Quality Good Data Emiss Error <= .01 LST Err > 2 LST Err <= 3 65 TRUE 243391
81 LST Produced,Other Quality Good Data Emiss Err >.01 <=.02 LST Err > 2 LST Err <= 3 81 TRUE 203501
97 LST Produced,Other Quality Good Data Emiss Err >.02 <=.04 LST Err > 2 LST Err <= 3 97 TRUE 25897
113 LST Produced,Other Quality Good Data Emiss Err > .04 LST Err > 2 LST Err <= 3 113 TRUE 32
129 LST Produced,Other Quality Good Data Emiss Error <= .01 LST Err > 1 LST Err <= 2 129 TRUE 57
145 LST Produced,Other Quality Good Data Emiss Err >.01 <=.02 LST Err > 1 LST Err <= 2 145 TRUE 29607
161 LST Produced,Other Quality Good Data Emiss Err >.02 <=.04 LST Err > 1 LST Err <= 2 161 TRUE 3
177 LST Produced,Other Quality Good Data Emiss Err > .04 LST Err > 1 LST Err <= 2 177 TRUE 5

Do you want to update the values you are keeping?

Filter the LST Data keeping only keepvals

These steps take a couple minutes.

Make logical flag to use for mask

lstkeep=calc(lstqc,function(x) x%in%keepvals)

Plot the mask

  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Mask the lst data using the QC data and overwrite the original data.


Add Dates to Z (time) dimension

The default layer names of the LST file include the date as follows:

## [1] "X2000.02.18" "X2000.02.26" "X2000.03.05" "X2000.03.13" "X2000.03.21"

Convert those values to a proper R Date format by dropping the “X” and using as.Date().



Part 1: Extract timeseries for a point

Extract LST values for a single point and plot them.

  1. Use lw=SpatialPoints(data.frame(x= -78.791547,y=43.007211)) to define a new Spatial Point at that location.
  2. Set the projection of your point with projection() to "+proj=longlat".
  3. Transform the point to the projection of the raster using spTransform().
  4. Extract the LST data for that location with: extract(lst,lw,buffer=1000,fun=mean,na.rm=T). You may want to transpose them with t() to convert it from a wide matrix to long vector.
  5. Extract the dates for each layer with getZ(lst) and combine them into a data.frame with the transposed raster values. You could use data.frame(), cbind.data.frame() or bind_cols() to do this. The goal is to make a single dataframe with the dates and lst values in columns.
  6. Plot it with ggplot() including points for the raw data and a smooth version as a line. You will probably want to adjust both span and n in geom_smooth.

Your graph should look like this:

See the library(rts) for more timeseries related functions.

Part 2: Summarize weekly data to monthly climatologies

Now we will use a function called stackApply() to calculate monthly mean land surface temperature.


  1. First make a variable called tmonth by converting the dates to months using as.numeric(format(getZ(lst),"%m"))
  2. Use stackApply() to summarize the mean value per month (using the tmonth variable you just created) and save the results as lst_month.
  3. Set the names of the layers to months with names(lst_month)=month.name
  4. Plot the map for each month with gplot() in the RasterVis Package.
  5. Calculate the monthly mean for the entire image with cellStats(lst_month,mean)

A plot of the monthly climatologies will look like this:

And the table should be as follows:
January 271.02
February 281.86
March 291.32
April 296.32
May 300.14
June 301.99
July 300.51
August 296.08
September 288.63
October 281.48
November 273.74
December 268.40

Part 3: Summarize Land Surface Temperature by Land Cover

Make a plot and table to contrast Land Surface Temperature in Urban & built-up and Deciduous Broadleaf forest areas.

  1. Resample lc to lst grid using resample() with method=ngb.

  2. Extract the values from lst_month and lulc2 into a data.frame as follows:

  3. Gather the data into a ‘tidy’ format using gather(key='month',value='value,-ID).

  4. Use mutate() to convert ID to numeric (e.g. ID=as.numeric(ID) and month to an ordered factor with month=factor(month,levels=month.name,ordered=T).

  5. do a left join with the lcd table you created at the beginning.

  6. Use filter() to keep only landcover%in%c("Urban & built-up","Deciduous Broadleaf forest")

  7. Develop a ggplot to illustrate the monthly variability in LST between the two land cover types. The exact form of plot is up to you. Experiment with different geometries, etc.

One potential plot is as follows:

If you have extra time, try to reproduce the table in this box.

This is a more complicated table which involves using the zonal function to aggregate, followed by gathering, spreading, and creative pasteing to combine text fields.

Mean Monthly (±SD) Land Surface Temperature in Buffalo, NY for two landcover classes. Data derived from MODIS LST product (MOD11A2) and MODIS landcover product (MCD12Q1).
month Deciduous Broadleaf forest Urban & built-up
January 295.66(±0.92) 299.07(±3.05)
February 294.85(±0.73) 297.98(±1.75)
March 267.47(±1.02) 268.82(±0.85)
April 281.51(±0.84) 283.75(±2.54)
May 270.39(±0.57) 271.89(±0.85)
June 298.71(±1.07) 303.13(±2.29)
July 300.23(±1.11) 304.84(±2.63)
August 291.66(±0.77) 293.51(±3.05)
September 298.7(±1.11) 303.12(±2.93)
October 273.36(±0.56) 273.83(±0.61)
November 281.42(±0.54) 281.78(±0.77)
December 287.9(±0.57) 289.74(±1.15)