
  • Raster Vector Interactions GCR


The raster data format is commonly used for environmental datasets such as elevation, climate, soil, and land cover. We commonly need to extract the data from raster objects using simple features (vector objects). For example if you had a set of points you collected using a GPS and wanted to know the mean annual temperature at each point, you might extract the data from each location in a raster-based map of temperature.

You could also be interested in some summary of the raster data across multiple pixels (such as the buffered points above, a transect, or within a polygon). For example, you might be interested in the mean elevation within the entire polygon in the above figure.

In this case study we’ll work with a HadCRUT temperature data from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. These are near-global rasters of surface temperature on a five degree grid.


Identify the hottest country on each continent by intersecting a set of polygons with a raster image and calculating the maximum raster value in each polygon.


  • Calculate annual mean temperatures from a monthly spatio-temporal dataset
  • Remove Antarctica from the world dataset
  • Summarize raster values within polygons
  • Generate a summary figure and table.
  • Save your script as a .R or .Rmd in your course repository

Download starter R script (if desired). Save this directly to your course folder (repository) so you don’t lose track of it!

The details below describe one possible approach.


You will need to load the following packages


Loading the spData() package may return a warning: To access larger datasets...install spDataLarge.... This is not required - you can use the standard lower resolution files and safely ignore this message.


Download the mean annual temperatures over the reference period 1961-1990 Climatic Research Unit data (CRU) here. Absolute temperatures for the base period 1961-90 on a 5° by 5° grid. Download these data in netcdf format using the code below:


# read in the data using the rast() function from the terra package

Note: If the above code returns an error about nc_open(), try adding method="curl" at the end of the download.file() command.


  1. Prepare Climate Data
    1. Download and load the CRU data using the code above (tmean=rast("")).
    2. Inspect the new tmean object (you can start by just typing it’s name tmean, then perhaps making a plot()). How many layers does it have? What do these represent? You can read more about the data here
    3. The CRU data are stored as degrees C.
  2. Calculate the maximum temperature observed in each country.
    1. use max() to calculate the maximum value observed in each pixel across all months. You may want to plot() the output of this and compare the plot of the original (full) raster. How many layers does it have now?
    2. use terra::extract() to identify the maximum temperature observed in each country (fun=max). Also set na.rm=T, small=T to 1) handle missing data along coastlines and 2) account for small countries that may not have a pixel centroid in them.
    3. use bind_cols() to bind the original world dataset with the new summary of the temperature data to create a new object called world_clim with the outputs from the extract() function above.
  3. Communicate your results
    1. use ggplot() and geom_sf() to plot the maximum temperature in each country polygon (not the original raster layer). To recreate the image below, you will also need +scale_fill_viridis_c(name="Maximum\nTemperature (C)"). Note the use of \n to insert a line break in the text string. You can move the legend around with +theme(legend.position = 'bottom').
    2. use dplyr tools to find the hottest country in each continent. You may need group_by() and top_n. To create a nice looking table, you may also want to use select() to keep only the desired columns, arrange() to sort them, st_set_geometry(NULL) to drop the geometry column (if desired). Save this table as hottest_continents.

Your final result should look something like this:

And the summary table will look like this:

name_long continent max
Mali Africa 35.7
Algeria Africa 35.7
Kuwait Asia 34.8
Saudi Arabia Asia 34.8
Australia Oceania 32.0
United States North America 29.5
Brazil South America 28.2
Albania Europe 25.0
French Southern and Antarctic Lands Seven seas (open ocean) 7.5
Antarctica Antarctica -2.0

Note that these data are based on 0.5 degree resolution data and thus will miss small hot places and cannot be directly compared with station-based data.

Build a leaflet map of the same dataset.